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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Asphyxiation Sensation

With their side of the scoreboard smoking
I thought the Giants were joking
After that terrible punt
And runback stunt
Now that's major-league choking.

Agony of the Feet

With his season about to shatter
And reporters all up in a clatter
Rex said with conceit,
"Regarding the feet,
That's a personal matter."

by Dr. S.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Couture Commentary

Cardinals are red,
Giants are blue,
Cleveland's helmets are ugly,
The Dolphins jerseys are too!

by Geoff

Ryan's Receiver Rhyme

Lined up against the defense on Sunday
What did the quarterback just say?
Running fast for the ball,
but through my hands I watch it fall
90,000 home fans shout Yay!

- by Ryan
the telestrator is in
circle me we need a win

cable cam hit the ground
Wendel played the wrong song

yellow line the worst I have ever seen
production yelling at the screen

live TV the way it ought to be
in four hours I'll be in 4C

Faith is on 88
SNF is going to be great
- by Lee

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Deep End of the Pool

With every clean and perfect sheet
I circle those that can't be beat

But Sunday comes and with each game
I lose my chance at dough and fame

I've studied hard to make my picks
and even tried some expert tricks

but week by week my standings drop
my football pool is now a flop

by Tonya Rizzo 

Hut, Hut, Haiku

Pigskin, oh pigskin
how I love to kick your hide.
Do you deserve it?

by Neal Rogers